User Generated Content (UGC) refers to media
contents made by its users no matter who is professional about it or not.
Therefore, they are more subjective and include personal stereotypes. For
instance, when someone wants to buy a car, he/she will see other consumers’
reviews. He/she makes a decision depends on the reviews. However, they are
non-experts, so that they might be in all probability that they don’t know law
well, especially about the copyrights. They support their opinions with experts' report without considering copyright. They might think that it is okay because they use a little part of them to make their thoughts creatively. According to Larry, he says that the
laws limit people’s creativity on the media. On the other hand, people use
others’ digital contents without the permission in their own thoughts. I think
that’s why we have to ask ourselves if it is proper. For example, I saw a
content which is a remix of the Sochi 2014 Olympics report video and porn. In
this case, I think UGC violates defamation with a corrupt image and personal
prejudices/stereotypes. In addition to, Internet bullying, celebrities’ scandals,
and rumors are also derived from UGC.
I think the main point is how
people use UGC. On the good side, it’s enough to motivate people to think
critically and logically. It offers a chance to see broad fields. In my
opinion, one of the best solutions is that UGC reveals the source of citing.
American college students learn how to cite authority in order to prevent to commit
copyright and get credits.
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